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Address & Contact

Our Address

4040 Herstal Liège


50.67181949052885, 5.627300997166707







3 Datacenters of more than 1500 sqm
NRB is a top 10 Belgian ICT player with a turnover of 130 million euro in 2009, employing more than 600 people in its premises in Herstal (near Liège), Naninnes and Brussels.
NRB is unique in its offering and commitment: able to supply all constituent elements of an end to end IT solution and to take care of the whole lifecycle of these solutions. NRB is still a 100 % Belgian company in terms of shareholding and its prime geographical focus. NRB originated indeed from the Ethiasgroup, the major insurance group in Belgium. It extended very rapidly and has become a reknown expert in working for heavily regulated organisations such as the Walloon or Federal public services, and for complex and rapidly changing environments such as the utilities Sibelga, ALG and the Tecteo group. Moreover NRB’s is steadily expanding in the sector of social & health care and in the corporate world.
NRB presents a complete offering. We take care of the housing, hosting and or operational management and maintenance of the ICT environments of our customers be it in a mainframe or a distributed environment. We design and set up the architecture and the middle ware. We develop, implement and integrate his core business applications. And we can realise the solutions to communicate and collaborate through portals and collaboration platforms.
Our value proposition is build upon two pillars. Firstly the business knowledge of our practice teams that design vertical solutions for customers in the sector of finance & banking, utilities, the public and health care sector. And secondly the technological expertise within our competence centers. The NRB mainframe competence center (IBM and BULL) gathers nearly 50 mainframe experts in infrastructure management and software development (PL1, COBOL) . The `Open Systems’ group contains the experts in Wintel, UNIX and AS400 and the .net and Java developers. The SAP competence center consists of about 40 collaborators with in depth knowledge on SAP ERP, SAP partner edge and SAP ISU (Industrial Solution for Utilities). The ECM (Enterprise content management) team works with vendor suites such as Microsoft Sharepoint, Alfresco and Documentum. Whereas the BI team is mastering business intelligence and datawarehouse solutions on a SAS and SAP BO platform.
For more information, visit www.nrb.be
Most important references:
– Finance, banking & insurance: Ethias group, Dexia Banque, Delta Lloyd, Informex and Legibel
– Utilities: Tecteo, AIEG, Régie de Wavre, ALG, SPE/Luminus, Sita, CILE, SWDE
– Public sector: the city and the university of Liège, the provinces of Liège and Hainaut, the French and the German community, Federal Public Administrations such as Finance, Mobility and Transport, Justice and Economy.
– Social & Healthcare: CHU (university hospital) of Liège, CHR Centre Hospitalier de la Citadelle
Contact & Locations:
Network Research Belgium (NRB) s.a./n.v.
Parc Industriel des Hauts Sarts – 2e Avenue 65 B-4040 Herstal, Belgium
Tel: +32 (0)4 249 72 11
Fax: +32 (0)4 249 74 00
E-mail: marketing@nrb.be


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